Charity Yarn and one of my favorite waste not want not recipes sautéed onion and goat cheese quiche
I've so enjoyed the charity yarns I'd done in the past for certain causes that I've decided I really want to incorporate them into every month. The girls really love " helping me" with the business and I think it's good for them to see how you can use your talents to give back to people in need. For this reason we're going to have a new charity yarn every month and 100% of the proceeds will go to whatever the choses charity is. It will probably alternate between second harvest and st. judes unless we have one some one has recommended to us either through church or friends. If you have a need or a loved one with a need please contact me at and we'll work them in the rotation.
This month we worked with our local church who was launching a love local campaign where you get a grocery bag and shopping list with easy to prepare food options for children who are in danger of food scarcity while school is out during the holidays. I'm please to announce that we sold our charity yarn pretty much instantly( it was really fabulous I think hand dyed with silver sparkles) so today the girls and I went shopping and I explained to them what we were doing and where the money came from so they could feel apart of it.
I know we are a fiber arts business but I like to think our brand stands for anything traditional and family related. I hate wasting things especially food( I love food) so I wanted to share one of my favorite recipes for when you all of a sudden discover you have milk or eggs that are going out of date and need to be used. This is an adaptive recipe of mine that is one of my favorites. It's a satued sweet onion and goat cheese quiche. It uses a good big of milk and eggs so its good for useing up leftovers and the only really special ingredient you need is goat cheese so it's pretty easy to whip up. It also makes great leftovers so you can eat it for lunch dinner breakfast or late night snack. This will hopefully free you up for some more crafting time. I know from personal expirenace how hard it is to use what's in the house, chase kids and try to have any time to yourself.
Enjoy and let me know what you think

“Onion and goat cheese quiche
1 sweet large onion
1.5 to 2 cups parmesan cheese shredded ( the good kind)
4 to 5 oz goat cheese
4 eggs
1 3/4 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons butter
one pie crust ( I highly recommend the frozen ones at traders joes they are made with real butter and really are the best and have real ingredients )
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
How to:
Preheat the oven to 375 F
-unroll the pie curst into the pie pan
it’s ok if it falls apart and you have to press the cracks back together, it really doesn’t matter how the crust looks
-roughly chop up the onion throwing away the skins and the tough part in the middle.
- melt two tablespoons of butter in a skillet and cook the onions on medium high till they reduce in size and look sort of brown
- add onions to the pie crust and add parmesan cheese on top
-mix together the milk eggs and balsamic vinegar and stir together breaking up the eggs
-pour over the onions
- crumble the goat cheese over the top
-Salt and pepper
cook in the oven for roughly 40 min until it’s brown on top and the middle is only sort of jiggly. (it will firm up slightly as it cools)
will be good in the fridge for a couple days.