Spinning fiber clubs - unboxing- Fiber Artist Design Bundle from Crafty Housewife Yarns
I just love this bundle, its our largest spinning fiber club.
You know you love them, I do too. Spinning fiber clubs are such a fun way to not just get a fun treat in the mail every month but also a great way for new and seasoned spinners to push they’re boundaries and try new things! I know this was how I fell in love with this craft myself. This is one of my most requested video topics and I finally got around to recording it here for you. Check out our “Fiber Artist Design Bundle” in the video and transcript below.
Here is the video unboxing of our of our spinning fiber clubs, the fiber artist design bundle. If you’re in more of a reading mood the transcript is below.
We have a few different spinning fiber and yarn subscriptions. The one I'm talking about today is called the Fiber Artists Design Bundle. It comes with a piece of paper that tells you what is inside each one as far as what the content is. Each one will have a spinning fiber braid that is most likely the same braid that you would find in our braid of the month subscription. The idea being that if just wanted the braid get the spinning fiber braid of the month spinning fiber club, it's a bit cheaper and it's just a braid and some people just aren't into batts. So you wouldn't need to sign up for both.
So this is the super-fine Merino. All of our fiber is sourced from a USA, small mills and farms. They vary from month to month, so you can always expect something different to try. So this example is Merino but we also use Rambouillet, Targhee, and Corriedale.
And it also comes with two spitting fiber batts, the natural batt and the, what we call the mini Lux batt.
Our batts will range from more chunky art batt type to very smooth. We really try to mix it up from month to month. Sometimes you just kinda gotta let the fiber speak to you about what it wants to be. Examples of fibers in the Lux Batt is , faux cashmere, dyed, Mulberry silk ,fire star, and a little bit of Romney. We like to alternate with batts between leaving some color blocked sections. Just like with our braids we try to change it up from month to month on the color design of our batts so you will have a different spinning experience . I really like color sections myself but I know many spinners prefer a super smooth blended batt so we do both.
Heidi Stone Black of Cocoon has been our head fiber artist, she does and amazing job of picking color pallets and textures. I also rotate in for battt blending from month to month and we are recently also working with Kori of Fossil Fibers so we will have a rotating selection of style. While we are all different artist we all share the same love and respect of trying to source small and locally and create the unexpected.
The natural batt is going to be for the most part just natural wool colors. We try to blend and mix different types of natural fibers with interesting add ins like locks or pant fibers like bamboo or more eccentric things to give you something really fun to work with while staying in a more natural color pallet. So not a lot of colors. So this is more of a study in texture. And also we kind of wanted you to have a chance to try different breeds of sheep. We had this subscription before I ended up being the owner of my local wool, So this was kind of the, my local wool box before the, my local wool box was a thing. So the idea with the natural batts was we wanted to, especially for newer spinners showcase some natural fibers that you might not, necessarily just run across at your local yarn store.
These descriptions also work for our stand alone subscriptions for the natural batts and Lux batts. You could also think of one as natural colors and one as colorful with a touch of sparkle.
We dye all of our own fiber, So any of the colors you see in any of our batts start out as natural fiber, that we then custom dyed because we're lucky enough to have a bunch of great dyers on staff.
Heidi and the staff are very opionated about colors which is so helpful for me to have people I can rely on that have their ears to the ground so to speak for what people are looking for. It’s a lot of fun to have our fiber artist pick the seasonal color pallets that they want to work with and the dye team works on turning that into a reality.
So that is the fiber artists design bundle is we wanted to give you a great mix of all the things. You’ll get something natural and fully, Luxe and sleek and of course everyone’s fav dyed braid.
This bundle came about when Heidi started spinning. She wanted a bunch of different types of fiber to learn on and have fun with. At the time I think we just had the braid club. I started making this bundle for her every month. The rest is history ! We found that new spinners really loved having something show up in the mail each month to keep them motivated. When I started out I was also ordering a monthly fiber bundle situation, which shall remain nameless. It was perfectly nice but I ended up canceling that because I just kind of felt like it had stuff in it that I didn't necessarily want and also the more I got into where supplies came from and wanting to source things from people I knew and farmers, I knew, and I just kind of felt that there was a more fun way you can do that.
So then when I kind of inadvertently ended up creating this one for my friend, you know, and I knew her values are so right with mine on what she wanted. I just felt like we could do something cooler and Heidi and I are both very, like maybe not the most normal path people. We would rather do what we really want not necessarily what's easy. So the reason we called it, the fiber artist design bundle was we wanted to give you a bundle that you could really design different yarns with. Braids are so versatile and a great way to start and to learn but we also wanted to provide two different types of batts to play with either with the braid or by themselves.
The fiber artist design bundle, will give you something to play with it every month. We wanted to give you enough different options that you had enough different things you could try and form opinions from.
It's quite the operation getting this out every month, but it's something we really enjoy. So anyhow, I think that's it, that's how it got its name. That was the idea behind it. And like I said, this is of course, depending on when you watch this video, this is just one month. So, you know, next month will be totally different than the month after that will be totally different.
Happy Spinning and always try something new!
Try out the bundle and save 30% off your first month with code INEEDNEWFIBER
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