"Start Spinning Wool: Top Tools Every Beginner Needs to Know"

Drop Spindles for Beginners

Many people believe they should begin with drop spindles, but I’m not a fan of "shoulds" when it comes to spinning. As I mentioned earlier, you should start with whatever tool feels right for you.

tools for spinning yarn

Varieties of Drop Spindles

There are numerous types of drop spindles available, which can understandably lead to confusion for beginners.

DIY and Student Spindles: My first spindle was made from a dowel rod, a craft wheel, and a cup hook. These supplies are easily found at craft stores, and constructing your own spindle is quite simple. Additionally, basic student spindles can be bought at craft stores for approximately $12. I even have an online info product breaking this down for you here

Handcrafted Spindles: If you have a bigger budget, consider high-quality handcrafted spindles made by skilled artisans. These spindles are often well-balanced, spin smoothly, and are made from unique and exquisite woods. I really like Synder Spindles on Etsy and their website

Historical Spindles: For those interested in historical reenactments, it's essential to research and find reliable sources to ensure the spindle design matches the specific time period you’re aiming to recreate. I have several videos on YouTube

Beginner's Guide to Spinning Wheels

Spinning wheels certainly have an impressive appearance! However, they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and price ranges, which can make choosing the right one quite overwhelming. It’s crucial to remember that spinning wheels are machines with moving parts.

Antique Spinning Wheels: Due to their mechanical nature, old wheels you find at a flea market might not be ideal for beginners. They often require a bit more expertise to operate smoothly and can be challenging for novices.

Vintage Spinning Wheels: While vintage models can also be somewhat unpredictable, they’re generally more beginner-friendly than antiques.

Modern Spinning Wheels: If you’re committed to spinning, you might consider investing in a new wheel. Personally, I’m a fan of SpinOlution Spinning Wheels.

Rented or Borrowed Spinning Wheels: For a budget-friendly option, check if there are wheels available for rent or borrow—perhaps from a local fiber supply shop or guild.Main Points For New Yarn Spinners

Different tools are good at different things. If you want to get started, a student or DIY drop spindle, a borrowed spinning wheel, or an economical Eel Wheel Nano might be your best choice.

Fibers for Beginners

After obtaining your spindle, wheel, or e-spinner, the next step is to select your fiber. Wool is the most commonly recommended choice for beginners, but you might also consider alpaca, acrylic, cotton, or flax.

Selecting a Wool Breed for Beginners

When exploring wool for spinning, you'll find that there are hundreds of sheep breeds, each with unique properties.

Merino Wool: Although popular, it may not be ideal for those new to spinning. It is very soft but can be somewhat more tricky to draft due to it’s dense fluffy nature

Medium Wool: Excellent choices are Bluefaced Leicester, Corriedale, and Cheviot, as they are easy to draft and relatively soft. The longer fibers can also be helpful not to have breakage.

Combed Top

This wool preparation involves thoroughly combing and aligning the fibers, making it extremely easy to draft and spin. Combed top offers consistent quality and is available in a variety of vibrant, exciting colors.

Spinning Accessories for Beginners

Not required but , the following accessories can make your spinning journey easier:

  • Niddy noddy: A tool for taking your yarn off your spindle or bobbin.

  • Lazy Kate: Holds your spindles or your bobbins while you ply your yarn.

  • Yarn swift and ball winder: Helps to hold a skein of yarn and put it in a ball.

  • Scale: Useful for weighing your yarn, especially for planning larger projects.

  • Diz : Looks like a button with large whole holes for making your own roving if you wish.

How to Start Spinning for Beginners

The path of spinning is intricate, dear friends. However, all you truly need to begin is a cost-effective drop spindle, spinning wheel, or e-spinner, and some fiber!

By using this guide, you’ll embark upon your spinning adventure with ease. Feel free to share your progress in the comments and tell me which tools and fibers you found most effective. Enjoy your spinning journey!

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Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

From SC 


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