Tips for Spinning Dog Hair on a SpinOlution Spinning Wheel
How to Spin Dog Hair
Learn how to prepare and spin pet hair on your spinning wheel.
I'm so excited about this very specific topic for you! This was actually a very requested video topic. I did a bit on a drop spindle for a live FB event but my friend Renee told me she had already been spinning her dogs hair on a wheel so I'm so excited for this full length lesson. Pet hair is such a cool idea for crafting but can be a bit tricky to spin by itself due to it's shorter very fine fibers. All SpinOluiton Wheels are great for fine fibers ue to the very smooth fast flyer head rotations( the fastest in the industry) This helps to easily get twist where you want it. Here is my friend and talented fiber artist as well as Angora Rabbit Farmer Renee from Tailspin Farms.
For more on the monarch
For more from tail spin farm
Here are some tips from this video for spinning pet hair on your spinning wheel:
You may want to blend your pet hair with other fibers you can use hand cards for this
You can gather most of the fiber from the hind quarters most of the fur is an undercoat. Shorter dog hair like a lab, would not be spin-able just because there's no soft undercoat, it's just too course.
You may have to gather hair from multiple pets or multiple grooming.
While you want a good bit of twist to hold the fiber together don’t go too fast because you make get too much momentum behind these delicate fibers. A smooth quick rotation with slower feet like seen on this SpinOlution Monarch is ideal.
Will spin similar to Angora or Alpaca.