Two ply yarn spinning - tips and tricks


Two ply yarn is a very useful method of creating two-strand yarns. It's very easy to do and allows you to change the thickness and even make different color schemes with ease. This guide will go over what you need to know about two-plying yarn, including how it's done and the various types of dyes that work best for this type of project.

It’s made by twisting two strands together, which results in a thicker, more even yarn. The twist in the yarn makes it more stable than single ply and creates less luster. Two ply works best for projects like hats and scarves because it’s not as warm as bulky yarn, but still thick enough to provide warmth.

Two ply can be spun in many different colors and weights of yarn that you can use to create unique designs with your own twist!

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wool and spinning Erin James wool and spinning Erin James

Chain ply yarn spinning- tips and tricks

Chain ply yarn spinning-how to


There are many ways to spin a yarn, but plying is where it's at. For those new to the craft, I'll explain what ply means and why it's so important. I'll also walk you through some simple examples of how to make yarn plies in different situations. So let's get started!

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