What is a Tensioned Lazy Kate ?- SpinOlution Spinning Wheel Bessie Kate

Tensioned lazy Kate - Spinoluiton- Bessie

If you’re new to the world of spinning your own yarn you may be confused about what the term “ lazy kate” even means. Who is Kate? Why is she lazy, how will this lazy woman ever help me with my spinning? Perhaps a distant cousin of Lazy Susan? Well I’m not sure why this spinning tool is called a Lazy Kate but I do know that they are one of the most useful tools I can think of for spining. The long and short of it is that you use a Kate to hold your bobbins full of single ply yarn so that they can spin freely while you are plying your yarn. This is useful no matter if you you are doing a basic double ply or something more fancy like a chain ply. In a pinch you could just put your bobbins or balls of yarn into a shoebox to keep them from running off but this is not ideal at all because they will still be bumping around and possibly damaging fine delicate singles. If you are newer to spinning your singles may not have a firm enough twist and could start to come apart on you with all of the bumping around. This is where the Lazy Kate comes into play. The standard Lazy Kate will hold your bobbins up right on rods letting you ply easily while they free spin. Some spinning wheels have an attached lazy Kate like the pollywog, bullfrog, or bees. The Modular spinning wheels, Echo, Firefly, and Monarch are best used with the attachable standard lazy kate. This accessories can be used either attached or free standing on the floor.

Example of the standard SpinOlution Lazy Kate Below

Lazy Kate Lazy Kate Lazy Kate Lazy Kate
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Lazy Kate
from $218.00

The SpinOlution Lazy Kate fits all bobbin sizes except the 64 oz. It can be placed on the floor for easy plying next to all of our wheels, or attached to the MACH III, Echo, and Firefly. Plying with the Kate attached is easiest when bobbins or plying threads are on the outermost rods of the Kate.

We also have a Lazy Kate that attaches exclusively to the Hopper as well.


  • $218- Standard Kate (fits MACH, Echo, Firefly)

  • $218- Hopper Kate

So What is a the deal with a tensioned lazy Kate and why would you want one?

Well when you’re plying with a non tensioned lazy Kate the bobbins get a bit of momentum behind them and can spin back and forth which can cause a bit of a hurky-jerky sensation. This can be avoided by keeping a steady pace and not making huge movements with your hands but sometimes this happens even to the best of us. Since I spin mainly sport weight and larger yarns my yarns are pretty sturdy and this isn’t a big deal for me but for people who like to spin very fine yarns or just desire a smoother expireance you may really want a tensioned lazy Kate.

Enter the brand new Bessie from SpinOluiton. I’ve been a dealer with SpinOlution for a few years now and this is something that has been a customer request for a while and I know this has been on a lot of peoples wish list.

I’m super excited that Mike has just debuted this product. With a magical combination of adjustable tension block and magnets for your bobbins you’ll be on your way to smooth plying.

SpinOlution Bessie Lazy Kate - Tensioned
SpinOlution Bessie Lazy Kate - Tensioned
SpinOluition Bessie Lazy Kate
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SpinOluition Bessie Lazy Kate

This rock solid kate is anything but lazy! She can hold bobbins up to 64 oz. Three rods are tucked into pockets on the side. Each rod is 1/4” with an adapter to fit 3/8” bobbins. No assembly required. Adjustable legs. Small footprint.

Bessie can be placed on the floor for easy plying with all of our wheels.

Plying with the Kate attached is easiest when bobbins or plying threads are on the outermost rods of the Kate as pictured.

SAVE ON SHIPPING. Add accessories to your spinning wheel order to save on shipping! If you're ordering accessories only, the shipping charges are Flat Rate. $15 to the USA and $25 Worldwide per order.

Erin James

Fiber artist

BA in Art Hisotry BS in Anthropology

From SC 


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