Woolen Style Yarn Spinning- Woolen Vs Worsted Style Spinning
There is just something special about spinning a woolen style yarn. They are rustic and airy and look like they were handspun which is kind of the whole point I think! Let’s Learn how to Spin a Woolen Style Yarn!
Below is the transcript and video from this mini lesson so you’re good to go if you’re a reader or visual learner!
I wanted to do a quick little video on woolen spinning yarn, kind of what it is, how to attach it. Just a little bit of an intro. So the idea with woolen-spun yarn, that its yarn where the fibers are gonna be going in a circle. The first thing I'm going to do is make sure my wheel on a middle gear, and I'm just going to bring my leader thread through like normal and the, then you just kind of want to pick one end of the rolag. So just kind of pick one end and you're gonna pull the center out if that makes any sense. So pick an end and I put the fiber through my leader thread and then kind of sandwich it.
Then I'm just going to start spinning, in a normal clockwise position. What you want to remember with woolen spinning is you're going to be pulling back towards your hip. I'm going to be pulling back and then walking it forward slowly. And that's letting you can see where there are different colors.
I love spinning from rolags it always makes for interesting yarn weather you are using multi colored or natural colored wool.
For woolen style yarn you want to spin with the long draw method where you're just pulling it back. And this is technically a supported long draw, because I am still using my other hand to feel the twist. This is my preferred style of spinning, whether I'm using a rolag or not, here's, a great shot where you can see because of the sparkle in it. You can see how the twist is traveling in a spiral and it's holding that spiral shape as it goes down the wheel and onto the bobbin. So you've got a nice fluffy, even single that you can, uh, I like to leave my woo and yarns as a single ply or maybe thread ply. I don't typically ply them together just because I think they are pretty and fluffy and awesome just like they are. So that is a quick rundown of woolen spinning.
So if you would like to go more in-depth the money for the Patreon account goes to keeping the My Local Wool website up and running and staffed, which is how we can give back and help our fiber arts community. And like I said, there are all these different posts. You just click on view. And then all of these are private locked away videos and videos and lessons that are not on my YouTube channel or anywhere else.
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Woolen Vs Worsted Style Spinning
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