Worsted Style Yarn Spinning-Worsted Vs. Woolen Style Spinning
I just love a well planed out worsted style yarn. This type of spinning makes well behaved singles that are great on their own or even better plyed together. Because they are nice and compact they will create a lovely even yarn and are great for show off those fabulous colors from a dyed braid! Let’s Learn how to Spin a Worsted Style Yarn!
Below is the transcript and video from this mini lesson so you’re good to go if you’re a reader or visual learner!
Hey everybody. So since we just did a woolen spinning video, I wanted to bring my Pollywog back and do a worsted spinning intro just for comparison's sake.
The Fiber I have is Rommney wool , It's just a small piece of roving, but you can see all the fibers are going in one direction there versus being twisted as a rolag.
For worsted style spinning, it's a smaller motion with your hands. You're going to pull forward and then draft back. So pull forward, smooth back repeatedly. So what that's doing is it's pulling all the fibers that are already in a nice straight line, but you're making sure that they're stay in a nice straight line and then just pulling the twist back on it. There will of course still be twist in fiber, but instead of keeping it fluffy with like a spiral effect with a woolen. With worsted, you're trying to compact the fibers. You're getting the air out of the middle of it.
The fibers are being pulled in a nice straight line. You can see how those fibers are going in a nice flat direction and they make for a nice flat single.
So for those of you that are wanting to go more in-depth on all sorts of spinning, but also woolen versus worsted or spinning from braids versus rolags then here is a sneak peek into the back end of our, Patreon account where put our entire dream yarn course, with all the extras It does have homework to help you learn all these different things, handouts and designs. It's got so many different homework and references and it's meant to go step by, step up.
So if you would like to go more in-depth the money for the Patreon account goes to keeping the My Local Wool website up and running and staffed, which is how we can give back and help our fiber arts community. And like I said, there are all these different posts. You just click on view. And then all of these are private locked away videos and videos and lessons that are not on my YouTube channel or anywhere else.
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Worsted Vs Woolen Style Spinning
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